How to set up the connection

Interface Introduction

Settings button: Click to toggle "Off link" / "On link", Long press to enter the main menu interface

Confirm button: Click to reset the HOME point, in the main menu interface is the confirmation button.

Step 1

Long press the “setting button” (2-3S) to enter the setting interface.

Step 2

Click the “Settings button”, scroll down the menu bar, find “BaudRate”, and then press the “Confirm button” on the right to enter the baud rate selection interface.

Step 3

Select the baud rate “115200”, click the “Confirm button” on the right, and “OK” will appear, indicating that the baud rate is successfully set, and then long press the “setting button” to return to the main interface.

Step 4

It is recommended to calibrate the AAT before preparing to fly, long press the “Settings button”, find “CalCompass” and press the confirm button, the AAT will calibrate itself.

Last updated